This week started off with the installation of a wireless house alarm in Halesowen for a new customer. The customer gave us some very positive feedback on our service, which is always nice to receive.
We also carried out some additional work for one of our domestic intruder alarm customers who was having a new garage door and needed their contacts isolated whilst this work was carried out. Don’t forget, if you are doing any type of DIY, it’s worth thinking about your intruder alarm – will there be a prolonged loss of power? Could the work move your sensors? Do you need to have sensors or contacts temporarily isolated from your alarm system? It’s worth giving us a call to see if there is anything we can do for you to prevent problems with your alarm or your warranty if that’s the case.
Our intruder alarm customers who have a service contract with us also benefit from regular checks on their security system and we’ve carried out a number of these checks this week in Worcester, Hereford, Dudley, Walsall, West Bromwich and Birmingham.