A message from West Midlands Police
We always see a spike in robbery and theft during the darker nights. It’s easier for criminals to go undetected by digital doorbells, CCTV, and by dog walkers.
Thieves are targeting mobile phones, bags, and car keys. Stay alert this winter and keep your belongings out of sight.
Here are a few tips to help keep you and your belongings safe this winter:
· Be aware of who is around you at the cash point. Use the machine inside a bank or building society if possible and alert bank staff to any suspicious activity
· Don’t let headphones restrict your ability to hear traffic, strangers or potential trouble
· Never leave your mobile phone in plain sight on a bar or restaurant table. It may be within your reach but it will also be within reach of a thief
· Don’t hang your handbag on the back of a chair, out of your sight under a table or leave it unattended.
We advise you take full advantage of our 50% off deal with SelectaMark products to help protect your valuables. You can get 50% by using code WMNOW50.
Track your smart phone or tablet computer
· Turn on your location or share your location with someone you trust so you can track this
· Always let the police officer dealing with your theft know that you have traced your device
· If your smart device pings in an unknown location do not visit the location or confront the individual without talking to the police.
In an emergency always call 999.
For further advice and guidance visit: https://www.west-midlands.police.uk/your-options/robbery-and-theft
Message Sent By:
Richard Gwynne
(West Midlands Police, Engagement Consultation Officer, Dudley )