What kind of Fire Alarm System do I need?
For many businesses, a conventional Fire Alarm will consist of detectors, sitting in different rooms or zones, linked together by a control panel or circuit. The type of system required will depend on your business type and larger premises may require a more complex setup. Whatever your business size or budget, Secureitall have you covered.
Why install a Fire Alarm System?
Between 2004 and 2014 there were approximately 11,156 fires in retail and trade premises here in the UK. An additional 5,051 occurred in restaurants, cafes and pubs.
Fire Alarms are responsible for saving many lives each year. Whilst it’s true that human beings can often observe the early warning signs of a fire, many deaths could be avoided by the installation of Fire and Smoke Detectors.
Although small businesses need to be careful with budgets, the cost of a fire can be huge. On top of the very real risk to human life is the havoc a fire can pay with your premises and it’s contents. A Fire Alarm could prevent the costly operation of replacing computer systems and furniture for example, especially if it takes hold during the night.
The advantage of a dedicated Fire Alarm System is the fact that it can detect fires early. The earlier the detection, the quicker the response, and this greatly increases the chances of saving your property.
Fire Alarms Halesowen, Dudley, Walsall, Stourbridge
Where to get your Fire Alarm System
Secureitall can install the right Fire Alarm to suit your business, and your budget. We operate in the West Midlands and appreciate the need to prevent any fire related downtime. No matter how simple or complex the system, Secureitall will have you protected 24/7. We get things started with a site survey – calling in many areas such as Dudley, Walsall, Stourbridge, and Halesowen. One of our professionally experienced engineers will then design an appropriate system.
A Fire Detection System from us will comprise the latest industry standard equipment for reliability, and will meet the requirements of insurance companies and government legislation. Get in touch today and let’s get you protected sooner rather than later.