A message from West Midlands Police
There are simple steps that you can take to make your home safer. Burglars look for homes that appear to be empty or have easy access to the back of the building.
They can also choose homes where there are no visible signs of protection such as alarms or security lighting, and where trees and high bushes provide good cover. in addition, something as simple as locking doors and shutting windows in unoccupied rooms can make a big difference. Make sure your bins are not left by your gate and secure them in your back garden if possible as this is an easy way for offenders to access your back garden.
We have recently had burglary where an offender gained access to the rear of a property where there was a pair of ladders that was left in the garden unsecured, these was used to smash and climb through a bedroom window where they have entered the house and took certain belongings. Please don’t make it easy for any offenders to get into your gardens or house and please stay safe.
Message Sent By:
Richard Gwynne
(West Midlands Police, Engagement Consultation Officer, Dudley )